Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sarai is having a sleep over, so I can't go to bed yet.
Two of the girls got paintings tonight. In their conversation
tonight one girl did not the difference between a real polorbear
and a mascot at the zoo last week. The girls all had a good laugh
about it and I got an Idea. Then I put him in a jungle. hence the name.
when the other girls saw it she wanted a sea otter. I'm not sure how much
it looks like one but she loves it so that is all that matters. She is even
trying to think of a name for it funny huh, teenage girls, make me wonder

A long way from home!

Sea Otter (well suppose to be anyway) The girls thinks it
looks like a cross between an otter
and a fox. I tend to agree, not my
best. mum, oh well practice.

1 comment:

Christina said...

silly girls. your having so much fun with this painting thing I'm afraid you will never come back to quilting.