Friday, November 21, 2008

Early morning quite.

It is so quite in my house this morning, I like it this way, of course it's only going to last a couple more minutes when I have to wake up my youngest for school. Now that my husband has changed jobs after being with the first company for 17 years I'm still getting used to his new schudale. It's like this, the girls and I have a great rutine down and now everything is different. He's home later in the mornings, He used to be gone just as the girls were getting up but now he doesn't leave until 7:30 mon-thur. and it's hard he disruptes their rutine. But we are dealing with it. Friday he goes in early so rutine is normal. Well it's about time to break the peace and quite of my little world. and believe me it will be shatterd when Annika is up and about.

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