Saturday, November 1, 2008

Now to pick a border.

There's a story behind this fabric. My sister and I took a trip to Roseburg two years ago to visit our Aunt Lona, while there we went to the locol quilt shop. We had so much fun the next year we went to LaPine to visit our mother and also went to the quilt shop there, a very nice place by the way. I got this fabric there and started working on it in our hotel room. We spent about three hours just quilting and talking it was a neat expirence. So were planning another trip for next July to see our brother memorial stone in Newport Oregon, and of course we'll hit the quilt shops along the way. I just finished this part of it today after taking apart what I did by hand and redid it on the machine for a better look and a straighter stich. I love it but now I just have to decide which color to use as the border. Yellow, blue or Green. I'll leave it hanging there while I decide. I have a thing from cowboy quilts. Actully I just love cowboys!


Betsy said...

very nice a unique,. I have never seen cowboy hats in such colorful fabrics and it looks so good too.

Christina said...

I forgot all about this fabric, it looks great.