Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Operation Gratitude!

My Nephew's class he's the only one smiling.
I found this on my sister's blog and sent a letter to support our troops and let them know how much I care. Check it out and send a letter. If you give your information they may write you back. This is a great way to celebrate Veteran's day. Soldiers I personaly know and love.
Link on my side bar and enjoy.

In Service Now

Jared Scouten, Adam Alverez, Kenney Alverez,

Have Served with honor

Micheal Boat (my brother), Roy Francis Boat, Edwin Martin (my Grandpa's) Grant Scouten (My brother-in-law)

1 comment:

Christina said...

Thank you for doing this, the more people that post it the more letters our boys will get.